Dorothy G. Turkel House
Frank Lloyd Wright, Architect
this photos shows water being absorbed into the block, terrace has not been added, concrete block damage
Music room showing fireplace, all surfaces painted looking down gallery toward kitchen and playroom
Turkel House "before"
Turkel House had been in decline for a number of years. Little maintenance was provided by previous owners, many of which were absentee. By 2006 when we purchased the house all systems had failed. No heat, bad plumbing, sparking electrical and a very leaky roof. Lack of maintenance on the carport roof had caused it to sag creating a structural problem. The concrete block was absorbing water like a sponge causing cracks and broken block. All interior wood was faded and stained and needed to be refinished. Concrete floors which had been covered with carpeting were cleaned and polished. A restoration architect Lawrence Brink of Ann Arbor a former Wright apprentice, was consulted and hired to oversee the restoration. Work began in early 2007
Turkel House
Detroit, Michigan
June 2006